Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Holdens in Colonial Williamsburg

We were blessed to be able to take a couple of daysto get away and travel to Williamsburg Virginia this past weekend, 1-12 through 1-14. It was a great time, very tiring though. The kids loved it and learned some history for homeschool. We were also blessed to be able to stop by and see some old friends, Chris and Nancy Jones. It had been three years since we had seen each other so that was a sweet blessing.

Greyson in a colonial outfit

Church at night with our new camera.

In front of the Governors Palace

Graham is right where we want him.

It really hurts.

Our carriage ride was great.

Graham keep trying to hide from the camera but I got him.

Ellie got hungry and thought the pebbles were food. This was hilarious.


The Holdens and the Jones together again. This was a great time of fun and fellowship.

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