Wednesday, June 06, 2007


We finally made it. Graduation was May 25, 2007.
What a great time of rejoicing in what God is doing
in our life. Friends and family came from all over to
celebrate with us. I could not have done this without
the support of my beautiful wife and children.
Thanks also for all the prayers and support of
all our friends and family.

1 comment:

Ricky Beck said...

Hey Holdens,
We can not believe how much your family has changed in the short time we have been gone. Our's too I guess. Pam Eubanks gave us your blog site address. I can not believe how tall Gigi is. We miss you guys so much, seeing pictures of everyone changing and growing up is exciting. Congrats on graduating, keep us posted on your up coming move. We have a blog too it is I know it needs to be 4 becks now! We love you guys, Ricky, Laurie, Bailee and Annika.